A great day was had by all at todays holiday programme. A pony for everyone.…
And so it goes on!
Once again i would like thank all of you who have given me support in regard to the recent attack. I am very grateful for all the comments and words of Kindness.
Our lovely old pony is well and had a full health check from the Vet, teeth, blood and fecal testing all of which are good.
I would welcome anyone to come to the farm to see her and her actual condition, along with seeing any of my horses and animals.
Because of the stress and impact from all of this i did end up having to have a ECG yesterday. Thankyou to the lovely nurse who took care of me.
Thankfully i am fine and just need to slow down and try not to allow what is being written to get me……which as you can imagine is very hard.
Many will know that i asked both the Vet and SPCA onto my property to inspect all of our animals and as you know they were both happy with their findings.
I have read on Snippets that i am being monitored. This is not the case.
In regard to all bookings etc. I am trying to contact all customers to confirm the bookings. I fully understand that having seen what has been posted people may wish to cancel. I fully understand and support these decsions
I would like to thank the person who reviewed my page today and posted the image from the Snippets. This behaviour is distressing for many and not helpful, however i except everyone is entitled to there opinion.
I have sort legal advice as this behaviour needs to stop.